Champaign-Urbana Outdoors Will Blow Your Mind

Champaign-Urbana Outdoors - Kayaking in Illinois

Before I moved to Champaign-Urbana I visited it several times. I did a bit of scouting. One of the first things I’ve noticed is absolutely gorgeous outdoors. Sure, this is not a big city and it is reasonable to expect solidly preserved nature, but Champaign-Urbana takes the cake. There are similarly-sized cities where nature is … Read more

Music Festivals or How I Survive Crowds and Pricey Food for the Sake of Fun

Music festivals, who doesn’t love them? I surely do, and I frequently visit them. I am happy that the place I call home now hosts countless festivals every year, and I end up visiting most of them. But there is one thing I would like to talk about, managing the costs and crowdness of these … Read more

How I Made Friends with Every Barista in Town 👀

How I Made Friends with Every Barista in Town

When I first moved to Champaign-Urbana, I was just another face in the crowd, a newcomer in a town where everyone seemed to know each other. The first week, I stepped into BrewLab Coffee on a dreary Monday morning. The barista, a tall guy with a man bun named Alex, greeted me with a warm … Read more

Champaign & Urbana’s Hidden Gems: A Local’s Guide to the UnGoogleable

Woman in Illinois dancing with her child, enjoying being outside in Champaign and Urbana’s hidden gems

Informing yourself about the place you are about to visit is now easier than it ever was. Going online provides us with an opportunity to gather a plethora of data in a couple of minutes, right? But does the resource we obtain online always provide us with accurate information? Certainly not. Not to mention that … Read more

Why Champaign & Urbana Could Be the Silicon Prairie (But Isn’t Quite There Yet)

Oh, Silicon Prairie, the tech world’s charming underdog, is situated right in the heart of Champaign & Urbana. The duo of towns, often overlooked by the glitz of Silicon Valley, has somehow, almost magically, ranked number two out of 42 in the startup and entrepreneurial activity in the vast expanse of the Midwest. With an … Read more

Why I Moved to Champaign: The Unexpected Mecca of…Corn?

reasons I moved to Champaign-Urbana

Moving to Champaign was a decision that made my friends raise their eyebrows so high, I feared they’d get stuck that way. “You’re moving where?” was the chorus, followed by, “But why?” Well, pull up a chair, and let me tell you about the charm that lurks beyond the endless fields of corn. Yes, corn. … Read more